Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Made it into the Bahamas!

Tuesday, February 11th

Hello friends,

Getting up at 4:30 am isn't exactly most people's idea of a vacation, but when you're crossing the Gulf Sream it isn't so bad and worth the early effort.  We decided to go even though the forecast showed winds to be from the Northeast bc the waves were predicted to be only 2 - 6 ft and sunny skies.  We watched the sunrise after leaving Cape Florida. Fortuitously the winds shifted and came early from the East Southeast.  Awesome!  With the current expected to be running due North at about 2.5 nmph we didn't want the wind to create waves against the current (for every knot of wind opposite the current add 2 ft to the wave forecast).  So luckily with the wind more out of the south, the waves stayed around 4 - 6 ft and no one was seasick, although the dog Salty looked green around the gills.

The crossing took 9 hours, as we motored in the beginning buwt then sailed the last few miles so Brian could jump in and swim/drag behind the boat. We saw lots of flying fish and tons of Portuguese Man-of-war jellyfish along the way.

Patrick caught a fish, a bonito but decided to throw it back.

On the entrance to Bimini harbor/cut we saw giant sea rays in the clear water beneath the bow.

While tied up to Bimini Blue Water Marina, Neil visited Customs and Immigration, Brian was about to jump into the water due to the 85 degree temps and stuffy humid dock until Patrick pointed out the huge Bull sharks swimming under the boat. We later found out that the Big Game Sport Fishing marina (where we had an excellent dinner on an outdoor patio under the stars) next door feeds the sharks with fish guts.

We walked the whole town, saw the sunset and hit the "Sand Bar at the End of the World" for a goombah drink before dinner.  Very Tired everyone was asleep by 9:30 pm.


  1. Woohoo! Glad the spirit's cooperated with the crossing. And thanks to Patrick for looking out for my man

  2. Woohoo! Glad the spirit's cooperated with the crossing. And thanks to Patrick for looking out for my man
