Boat Prep - Done
Oil Changes - Done
Convert main head to fresh-water flush - Done
Install iPad at Nav Station - Done
Provision - Done
Create Bahamas Profiles and apply for Pet Permit - Done
Wow! It must be time to head out!
Bahamas Bound!
Well with the most tentative of plans and all written in the sand at low tide, we have pushed off the dock and are headed south (well actually east at the moment). Our plan is to head to the Bahamas - but given all of the uncertainties in the world and in our immediate lives, I hesitate to say anything but “let’s take it a day at a time and head towards the Bahamas”. We tried to get there last year, and found that Janet’s dad was terminally ill, so had to make the decision to turn around in south Florida. Sadly, Don passed away, but Janet was at least able to spend some quality time with her Dad. We are thankful for the time we had, but of course wished for a different outcome.
This year, although we are optimistic, we still have a couple of things that are kind of “looming”. Of course, in this new world that we live in, there is always a risk that the Covid situation may change limiting our ability to travel to the Bahamas. Secondly, our amazing dog Salty has been diagnosed with a blood-borne cancer. We were fortunate to spot a change in his mood and activity and he had a large tumor on his spleen that required emergency surgery. Fortunately he recovered extremely well from surgery, but unfortunately a biopsy of the tumor revealed the presence of cancer. After heart-wrenching discussions with our excellent vet, we have decided to enjoy every day we have with Salty and live as normal a life as we can. There appears to be no viable treatment with a good chance of extending a quality life for him. He is currently in great health having recovered amazingly quickly from his surgery and is back to his normal, happy self.. As a precaution, we had him checked by the vet a few days ago and he is healthy and an ultra-sound indicated no current issues - so fingers crossed and as I said - one day at a time as every day is a bonus day. So for anyone sharing our journey, and especially if you know Salty and know how much he loves to be on the water and on a new beach every day….please share him a thought and a prayer as we embark on this adventure. If you know him, I am sure he has touched your life. For me this guy has changed my life. He is the most intelligent dog or animal I have ever come across and is truly this man's "best friend".
Leaving Pensacola
Yesterday, we did the final loading of the boat - thank goodness it was at the house as the system was less than organized…..but we have what I hope we need for a several moth trip. We left the house and headed to Ft. McRee for the evening.
It was a cold night with temperatures just below freezing. We set the alarm for “early”. The following morning, Salty got a pre-sunrise trip to the beach, then we loaded up and were out of the anchorage as the sun was starting to rise. The Gulf was pretty calm. And with a north wind of about 10kts, we are on a beam reach headed for Panama City, making 6.5 kts. After a few hours, the wind lighted up and moved west of north, so needing to make good time we started motor-sailing. Our hope is to make Panama City as soon after sunset as we can (its about 85 miles). We planed to anchor just inside the pass near Shell Island so that we can get an early departure in the morning. This all worked out!

We set off on Monday headed for Apalachicola. Another log day, but not quite so early a start, and we arrived by 4pm. We went offshore to Cape San Blas, then along our favorite route up the ditch and Jackson River to Apalachicola. It is always such a wonderful ride on this stretch of the ICW which is so remote and wonderful!
As of 4pm, January 24, we are docked in Apalachicola. Bad weather tomorrow - so a down day and already things to fix!
But that is Cruising!